CMHC programs
A variety of housing services are provided to support the Mississaguas of Scugog Island First Nation and their community including:
CMHC – Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
The following CMHC programs are managed by the Housing Coordinator:
- Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program (RRAP)
This program enables middle to lower income families to obtain funds for renovations and maintenance of their homes.
- Home Adaptations for Senior Independence (HASI)
This program offers grants for seniors in order to make modifications, which will ease the day-to-day activities in their home.These modifications include plumbing, toilet and shower maintenance.
Section 95 Rental Program
The Section 95 Rental program enables families to live in good quality homes at affordable prices.
Contact for Housing:
Phillip LeSaux – Housing Coordinator
Phone: 905-985-5211 ext. 429
Fax: 289-274-2818